Patient Portal


Some information is available to patients that have visited the Trust after November 2021 via our Patient Portal.
A patient can access booking details and appointments, all demographic information and some letters and test results through the portal.
If more detailed information is required, then a SAR will need to be made via this web portal.

Subject Access Requests

The UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) gives individuals, and/or their authorised representatives, the right to access information that an organisation holds on them. These requests are known as Subject Access Requests (SARs). 
Before the Trust can process a SAR, we need to ensure that we have verified the applicant’s identity and, for representatives, that they have the necessary consent (or legal basis) to act on behalf of the individual. Once validated, Trust should respond to requests within one calendar month; this deadline can be extended by a further 60 days in some circumstances.
Before responding to SARs, there are exemptions that the Trust has a duty to consider, such as the duty to protect the confidentiality of ‘third parties’. More information regarding SAR exemptions can be found on the website of the Information Commissioner’s Office here.

How to make a request

The easiest and most efficient way to make a request is by creating an account below. You will only need to enter your email to start with. This is where the portal activation link will be sent to. Once you've activated your account you'll need to create a password and then you can make your request using the appropriate form.

Please find a user guide here

Here are some FAQ's that may also be helpful.

Get Started Online

If you’re making a request for copies of your own information, please provide clear images of two forms of photographic identification (such as a passport and driving licence) when you submit your request.

If you’re making a request for copies of someone else’s information, please provide two copies of photographic identification AND the explicit signed consent of the individual enabling you to receive copies of the requested records; or another legal basis for receiving the documents (such as Lasting Power of Attorney for Healthcare). We will acknowledge receipt of your request as soon as is possible.